D3. Monitoring the effect of the actions on socio-economic aspects and ecosystem services
- In Eng
- Hits: 6475
The action D3 was concluded.
The action aims to verify the impact of all the actions performed against a marginal mountain reality, with a very high naturalistic and conservation value, but so far of limited production interest and management. To evaluate the impact on ecosystems, the project partners' working group has chosen to take as a reference the methodology developed by the Life + Making Good Natura project. For the economic aspects, the Life Xero Grazing project offered a series of ideas, highlighting some qualitative elements useful for the enhancement of the territory. The project allowed the development of a sheep chain with a herd of 150 animals, supported by the preparation of a pasture management plan that allowed the permanence of farm animals in the SIC area. Currently, the reference farm is oriented towards the production of sheep meat, marketed mainly for the Halal market. In the future, the sheep sector could be joined by the bovine one, with the aim of producing dairy products that could bear both the Alpi Cozie Parks brand and the optional indication of "mountain product" quality, required by European legislation.