C3. Buying of domestic animals for conservative management
- In Eng
- Hits: 6898
The action A3 was completed at December 31, 2014
The Ente di gestione delle aree protette delle Alpi Cozie will acquire, via public tender, 150 sheep. The goal is to create a functional service flock to aid the long-term conservation management of habitat 6210 *, in the project area and possibly other areas of habitat 6210 *, within and outside the boundaries of the SCI. This will help to form a progressive expansion of areas for the management of the project.
The animals purchased will be made available by management, to a private company for the entire duration of the project and after its completion, ensuring continuity in time of action. The flock can actively graze the entire habitat 6210* (subject to management), depending on the times and conditions set out in the action A4. The entire duration of the project may be sub-contracted to another company as long as the aim of pursuing the purpose of nature conservation within and outside the SCI remains. The flock given to a company will be via public tender. Despite these conditions, the coordinating beneficiary (PNACozie) will always maintain the ownership of the animals.
News about the progress of the action C3:
-16/10/2014 - Notice of publication: tender expression of interest for the provision of a sheep flock