C5. Application of grazing management guidelines
- In Eng
- Hits: 6651
The action C5 was completed.
The action was completed in line with what has been foreseen in the project. The goal of this action was to actually apply the guidelines for habitat management for conservation purposes. To achieve this, it was necessary to identify a company to entrust the animals, whose contract was signed on 30/12/2014. In 2015, LIFE grazing started in the areas of intervention of the xerothermic oases. The grazing took place partly in the spring and partly in the autumn and involved both the surfaces of the intervention sectors owned by the Municipalities of Bussoleno and Mompantero, and some private areas (about 20 ha) granted for this purpose by the owners. From spring 2018 to autumn 2019, grazing had to be suspended in the areas most damaged by the fire of autumn 2017 in order to allow the recovery of the plant communities of the target habitats.
News about the progress of the action C5:
-24/02/2015 - Actions C3 and C5: constitution and custody of the service flock
-15/04/2015 - Action C5 – The grazing in the Oasi xerotermiche starts
-07/10/2015- Action C2-C5-E5: the autumn grazing has started at the Oasi xerotermiche
-30/05/2016 - The spring grazing continues
-19/6/2016- The flock has moved in Rocca del Chiodo (Mompantero) and the grazing continues!
-06/07/2016 –The period of spring grazing is over
-24/09/2016 - News from our flock that is now on the mountain pastures
-18/10 /2016- The autumn grazing at the xerothermic oasis is started!
-12/11/2016- The autumn grazing of the Xero-grazing flock continues
-28/11/2016 - The period of autumn grazing in the Oasis xerothermicit is finished
-24/05 / 2017- Last week the spring grazing season officially began in the xerotermic oases!
-18/07/2017- Pasture is completed in xerotermic oases