Conservazione e recupero delle praterie xero-termiche della Valle di Susa mediante la gestione pastorale

Semi-natural dry-grassland consevation and restoration in Valle Susa through grazing management

28/10/2013 - The stick prototype for the arrangement of grazing equipments for the conservative management has been designed (action C2)

Checking of the stick prototypeAs part of C2 (Arrangement of grazing equipments for the conservative management ) has been designed the prototype of the stick (and its installation mechanism) that will be placed on the ground for the development of the action C2

In the course of C2 action, will be installed various functional pastoral infrastructure to long-term conservative management of habitat 6210 *. Functional enclosures for turned functional grazing will be installed. The goal is, in fact, the placement of fixed fences, durable and well integrated into the landscape, which can be used even after the conclusion of the LIFE project, considered however, the natural value of the area and fruition, will be adopted measures to reduce the impact at the wildlife and tourists during periods of non-use using spacers sticks. In this phase of the project has been designed the prototype of fixed stick and its installation mechanism.


You are here: Home News 28/10/2013 - The stick prototype for the arrangement of grazing equipments for the conservative management has been designed (action C2)