04/10/2014 – The action A5 “Establishment of a monitoring network for the habitat” is completed
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At the 30th September 2014 the action A5 “Establishment of a monitoring network for the habitat” was completed. The action was aimed at the preparation (within two macro-sectors included in the SCI IT1110030) of permanent observation stations for the assessment of the effects of the grazing and the effects of the restoration interventions in the vegetation and rare species of the habitat 6210 *.
During the action 129 transects and permanent plots were placed on the territory, in correspondence with this transects and plots were made phytopastoral and phytosociological surveys and were measured biometric features of some orchids (Anacamptis pyramidalis, Neotinea tridentata, Ophrys fuciflora) and some rare stenomediterrany species (for example Asterolinon linum-stellatum, Linum strictum, Coronilla minima).
The data collected with the monitoring network has allowed a preliminary classification of grasslands, highlighting the dominance of the formations of Stipa pennata and the formations of Bromus erectus. This data also allowed a pre-intervention assessment of the status of populations of the species monitored. Overall, the detected biodiversity (in terms of number of species and their distribution), as well as rare and of phytogeographical interest, was significantly higher than assumed, confirming the importance of the actions of conservation and restoration of areas subject to intervention. The results will be however integrated and updated at the end of the action A1 “Conservation status assessment for the 6210* habitat.”
The action A5 ended with the preparation of deliverables with a summary of the preliminary results obtained on the monitoring network: “Composizione vegetazionale delle praterie xerotermiche e status delle popolazioni di orchidee e specie stenomediterranee rare nei settori oggetto di interventi di conservazione del SIC IT1110030 “Oasi xerotermiche della Valle di Susa – Orrido di Chianocco e Foresto”.
A summary of the deliverables can be downloaded at the following link: Sintesi_deliverables_A5.pdf