04/12/2014 – The LIFE Xero-Grazing project at the VIVEREBIO 2015 event (Stia, AR December 6th -7th 2014)
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At the 6th and 7th December, the wool factory of Stia (Arezzo) hosts the Mercatale di Natale Bio, that is a promotional event of VIVEREBIO 2015. Bio shopping, conferences and educational workshops for children will be developed the two days, the various aspects of VivereBio will be developed : organic farming, green architecture, green building, bioengineering, renewable energy and much more.
In this space will be present the beneficiary DREAM that will provide the project experiences through a poster of the project.
You can download the poster at the following Link:poster Xero-Grazing VivereBIO.pdf