30/12/2014 – The actions A1, A3 and A4 have been concluded: The presence of the habitat 6240* "sub-Pannonian steppe grasslands" has been confirmed within the SIC IT1110030
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The 30th of December of 2014 were completed project actions A1 “Conservation status assessment for the 6210* habitat”, A3 “Guidelines for habitat conservation and restoration” and A4 “Technical actions for the habitat conservation and restoration”
As part of the A1, the classification of the 261 surveys has permitted to split the xerothermic grasslands into two major groups: the first can be associated to the alliance Xerobromion (order Brometalia erecti, class-Festuco Brometea) and therefore to the habitat 6210 *; the second group can be associated to the alliance Stipo-Poion carniolicae (order Festucetalia valesiacae, class-Festuco Brometea) and therefore to the habitat 6240 * "sub-Pannonian steppe grasslands". The action allowed to confirm the presence in the SIC of another priority habitat not yet officially reported at the site. It was also possible to assess the state of conservation of both habitats, with reference to the floristic composition, the presence of orchids and stenomediterrany species and their ecological characteristics.
The deliverable of the action A1 "Conservation status of habitats 6210 * and 6240 * in the SIC IT1110030 ‘Oasi xerotermiche della Valle di Susa – Orrido di Chianocco e Foresto’" can be downloaded at the following link: Stato di conservazione degli habitat 6210 e 6240 nel SIC IT1110030.pdf
The activities conducted as part of the Action A3 allowed to prepare guidelines for the conservation and recovery of the habitats 6210 * and 6240 * around the SIC. The guidelines were based on a careful and detailed analysis of the territory and xerothermic grasslands developed under other actions of the project, these guidelines represent an important contribution to the management of the area especially for the real applicability and sustainability of the proposed interventions. As part of the action A3 was drawn also another technical document aimed at management of habitats in other areas of Natura 2000. It includes, in addition to the intervention indications, an outline of the steps "methodological" necessary to apply the management in different areas and a summary of "good practices" to be followed, even in a wider application.
The deliverable of the action A3 "Guidelines for the conservation and recovery of habitats 6210 * and 6240 * SIC IT1110030 ‘Oasi xerotermiche della Valle di Susa – Orrido di Chianocco e Foresto’" can be downloaded at the following link: Linee guida per la conservazione e il recupero degli habitat 6210 e 6240 del SIC IT1110030.pdf
The deliverable of the action A3 "Guidelines for the conservation and recovery of habitats 6210 * and 6240 * in other areas of the Natura 2000 network" can be downloaded at the following link: Linee guida per la conservazione e il recupero degli habitat 6210* e 6240* in altre aree della Rete Natura 2000.pdf
As part of the Action A4 were defined the actions necessary for the conservation and recovery of a significant portion of habitats 6210 * and 6240 * included in SIC IT1110030. Specifically, the management plan covers an area of about 80 ha on land owned by the municipalities of Bussoleno and Mompantero, the area is divided into two main areas.
The deliverable of the action A4 "Management plan of grazing areas identified in the SIC IT1110030 ‘Oasi xerotermiche della Valle di Susa – Orrido di Chianocco e Foresto’" can be downloaded at the following link: Piano di gestione.pdf