E5. Activities of public awareness and dissemination
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- Hits: 6661
The action E5 was concluded.
This action completed the framework of all dissemination initiatives and was aimed at disseminating the project and raising public awareness (local communities, agro-pastoral sector operators, tourists, trade associations, etc.) and schools with respect to the issues / problems addressed in the project and the management solutions identified and implemented.
Various activities were carried out within this action: press releases, meetings in the area, educational activities with schools and educational demonstration films, other unplanned educational activities were also carried out, such as the inauguration of the educational courses or the publication of a calendar of the project.
News about the progress of the action E5:
-19/11/2013 - November 22, 2013, 20:30 h: First Meeting on the territory (Action E5)
-26/11/2013 - First meeting on the territory (Action E5) was celebrated at Bussoleno
-07/10/2015- Action C2-C5-E5: the autumn grazing has started at the Oasi xerotermiche
-06/04 /2016- We present the video Sheep and Orchids: return to life
- 18/03 / 2016- Preview movie Sheep and Orchids: return to life
-05/04 / 2016- LIFE Xero-grazing meets Protect Nature!
-16/09/2016 – LIFE Xero-grazing was visited by AUSF Italy
-16/05/2017 - May 21 free guided hiking tour to discover the wonders of the xerotermic oasis (2)
-26/05 / 2017- The Alpi Cozie Parks guests of Rotary Club Susa and Valsusa
-12/07/2017- The results of the photo contest "Wonders of the xerotermic oases" are online
- 11/10/2017 - LIFE Xero-grazing at the IPAMed Workshop
- 28/11/2017 Radio interview with LIFE Xero-grazing
- 14/12/2017 Presentation of the book "Orchids of Piedmont"