07/10/2015- Action C2-C5-E5: the autumn grazing has started at the Oasi xerotermiche
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On October 7 began the autumn grazing periodat the Oasi xerotermiche. After a short climb from the valley floor the flock landed in an area of the SIC, that not has been used during the spring. In addition to limiting the possible impact of grazing on habitats and rare species, like this next year, with the monitoring network, it will be able to assess any differences between the two seasonal uses.
The beginning of the activities of grazing allowed to verify and test the operation of the new removable troughs fed by underground pipelines made under Action C2 (water courtesy of the Consorzio Irriguo delle Bealere di Foresto). The system used allows to limit the negative effects due to repeated trampling of animals around the trays.
During the grazing have been made several records that will be included in the educational movie dedicated to LIFE Xero-grazing, the disclosure of which is expected in the first version, later this year.