22/10/2015- Action F2 - LIFE Xero-grazing partcipates at the First Congress of the International Land Conservation Network
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LIFE Xero-grazing arrived Berlin!
The LIFE Xero-grazing was in the First Congress of the International Land Conservation Network that was held in Berlin Oct. 18 to 21, 2015. The project has been invited to the international meeting in view of the ongoing experiences in terms of active involvement of communities local and, in particular, property owners, in the management of a protected area.
The conference provided concrete examples of existing systems of nature conservation that see the involvement of private and public entities, indicating the possible resources, practices and skills needed to apply them. During the meeting it was also possible to enhance networking activities with other LIFE projects.
LIFE Xero-grazing has been represented in Berlin by three delegates. A poster, a video and a brochure in English produced by the project gave high visibility and allowed the dissemination of content and actions LIFE to other participants.
For more information on the International Land Conservation Network: http://www.landconservationnetwork.org/?
“The International Land Conservation Network exists to connect organizations and people around the world that are accelerating voluntary private and civic sector action that protects and stewards land and water resources. We believe that building capacity and empowering voluntary private and civic land conservation will strengthen the global land conservation movement and lead to more durable and effective resource protection. We do this for the intrinsic value of the world’s natural and cultural resources, and for their importance to the prosperity and wellbeing of humankind, today and for generations to come.”